About Us
We adamantly stand for the family! Additionally, we stand for the right to remain free from dysfunctional government interference – the same interference that caused Governor Brewer to shut down an entire government agency.
We support the rights ensured to us by the greatest constitution the world has to offer.
We remain articulate in our legal basis, wording, and rights. Rights that, all too often, are disregarded by the government set up to serve and protect its citizens.
Ultimately, we preserve history to pay homage to the mass of victims impacted by the Child Protective Service shutdown.
Governor Jan Brewer had to exclude the involvement of other agencies with obligations and proceed with an unprecedented government shutdown of the Arizona Department of Child Protective Services.
With their jobs on the line, whistle-blowing was both discouraged and/or completely out of the question for caseworkers, investigators, evaluators, parental custody judges, attorneys, and law enforcement officers.

It is evident that our child welfare system is broken, impeded by years of structural and operational failures.
– Governor Jan Brewer
Our Mission
To Assist the Children Most Traumatized by CPS Negligence
To Lobby Courts to Proceed with Prosecution of Those Responsible
To Return Both Trust and Confidence to Family Court
To Hold Sever Accountability in order to Dissuade Further Sociopathic Authority
To Protect Families and Their Children from Predators in America's Institutions
Our Allies

1) Those willing to donate to and support this cause
2) Those obligated by oath, position, or religion to protect children