The Backstory
The following transcript is from a recorded call with Arizona CPS worker Jennifer Fowler. On Monday, June 20th of 2012, Miss Fowler was contacted about some evidence she had been given in a case of child abuse. At the time, she was the CPS agent tasked with looking into these allegations. Her supervisor at the time was Mary Martinez.
As you may recall, a child, “G”, had been suffering abuse for some time. Unlike most cases, there was photographic and video evidence to back it up. This had been given to Miss Fowler to review and aid in her investigation. Sadly, she would not. In fact, the child’s father came to find out that the evidence would never be viewed… by anyone.
The evidence she had been presented with was the same DVD evidence presented to Detective Pawlick. Evidence that Detective Pawlick had ignored. Evidence that was never reviewed or passed on to other investigators. Read Case Closed – The Corruption of Detective Pawlick for more information on this event. It was actions like these, along with many more, which would cause Governor Jan Brewer to shut down CPS in 2014.
The Call with Jennifer Fowler
Jennifer Fowler is contacted by the concerned father to check on the progress of his daughter’s case. He informs Miss fowler about the reason for the call, as she was recently mentioned in court testimony. Consequently, she may need to make some statements about her involvement in the case, be subpoenaed, or asked to give a deposition under oath. She seems to brush this information off. She does not take it seriously.
The father then mentions DVD evidence given to Jennifer Fowler titled “The Dog Leash Incident.” In this video, the abused child is choked and jerked around; constrained by a dog leash. In fact, the child is treated so harshly that her clothes are torn apart. To the father’s dismay, Miss Fowler claims that the DVDs were blank. Therefore, Miss Fowler did not see the content. He again informs Jennifer that the DVDs were in a format which must be viewed using a DVD player and not a computer. She claims she tried to do this but still saw nothing.
The father notes this was done without the viewing of vital evidence. Miss Fowler admits this. However, she again blames it on the “blank DVDs”. The father then inquires about further evidence. Pictures submitted of facial lacerations on the child. Fowler confirms she received them. She claims she reviewed them. However, despite her apparent expertise, she dismisses them as simple scratches.
At the end of the conversation, the father mentions further DVD evidence submitted to Fowler. She claims she is unaware of or had not viewed that either. She states that she does not remember it. Finally, after a request by the father that she views those DVDs before she is subpoenaed, she says “maybe I’ll try.”

About CPS Investigator Jennifer Fowler
According to her LinkedIn profile, Jennifer Fowler has worked in the industry for nearly 15 years. Her time at the Arizona Department of Economic Security lasted 5 1/2 years. It was there that she worked for Arizona Child Protective Services.
First, she took on the role of a Human Services Specialist. Later, she would take on the role of CPS Investigator. However, this was not her first position in the child services and welfare industry. Before joining CPS, Fowler was employed as a “victim advocate” and “systems advocate intern.”
It was during Jennifer Fowler’s time as a CPS investigator that the dialogue above took place. For someone who has so much experience in this field, it is quite strange that she failed to view video evidence of child abuse. Additionally, it is quite troubling that she was unable to distinguish the difference between “like a scratch or something” and facial lacerations on the abused child.
Miss Fowler still works in the industry. She left CPS in 2013. Governor Jan Brewer shut down CPS in 2014. Suspicious and convenient, isn’t it? She has not faced any repercussions from her actions. It’s likely she never will.
Jennifer Fowler’s Personal Job Descriptions
- CPS Investigator
Dates Employed – 2008 – 2013
Employment Duration – 5 yrs
Job Duties: To receive, screen, evaluate, and investigate referrals/complaints relative to alleged child abuse and/or neglect and alleged institutional abuse and/or neglect; to take the necessary measures to ensure the protection of children, and to do related work as required. - Human Services Specialist III
Dates Employed – Sep 2008 – Feb 2009
Employment Duration – 6 mos
Job Duties: Investigated allegations of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable or incapacitated adults. Mediated disagreements and investigated alleged perpetrators. Full investigations included acquiring medical, financial, and personal information; conducting thorough interviews of family and nursing home staff; and maintaining documentation and risk assessments. Worked collaboratively with mental health provider Magellan, the Area Agency on Aging, DDD, and AHCCCS personnel.

Conspiracy to Hide Evidence
With the contents of this call in mind and the history of corruption in Arizona CPS and the child welfare system, it is very likely that two things may have occurred. Number one, it is possible that Jennifer Fowler’s caseload was so heavy that she pushed aside this case. This scenario is not unlikely. After all, the number of cases given to each worker was far more than they could handle. However, this would not excuse her failure to investigate. Staffing issue aside, this child deserved intervention. She deserved to have her case properly tended to. She did not get that luxury.
Number two, it is possible that Jennifer Fowler was intimidated by attorney Jennifer Rubin into closing the case. As Rubin had already badgered the father, it is reasonable to assume she was not above badgering Fowler as well. After all, Rubin had made it clear she was on the wrong side of this scandal by protecting the abusive mother while threatening the father. With this in mind, it is also possible that Rubin threatened Fowler’s job or career. As a result, she may have closed the case.
Number three, it is possible that Fowler was part of a larger network of systematic abuse. As she failed to view video evidence and then closed the case illegally, it is reasonable to assume she may have been involved with Detective Pawlick. After all, Detective Pawlick also failed to review these important pieces of evidence. She too closed an ongoing case without ever taking these vital details into consideration. Therefore, it is plausible to assume the two may have been working with each other to suppress the evidence on the DVDs.
The End Result
It’s important to note that the father had previously been informed of this issue. Consequently, he got an extension of 30 days to present the DVDs in a new format. He did. However, by the time he was able to deliver them, Fowler and her supervisor Mary Martinez had illegally closed the case. Doing so was, of course, in defiance of the judge’s orders.
Ultimately, the case was illegally closed both by CPS. Additionally, it was closed by the detective in charge of investigating it. In other words, this was done in haste without completing their jobs.
Jennifer Fowler was legally obligated to ask for an MP3 format and wait for 30 days. However, she, along with Mary Marinez, ended the investigation. In the end, years of further abuse would occur. Corruption would continue to run rampant. And finally, Governor Jan Brewer would shut down the organization in 2014.

About Saving Grace Advocates
Saving Grace Advocates is a child advocacy organization dedicated to exposing the corruption of the Arizona CPS and judicial system. Along with these corrupt organizations, our goal is to hold the guilty parties accountable for their actions and inactions. Consequently, this includes police, child care workers, lawyers, judges, and more.
We adamantly stand for the family! Additionally, we stand for the right to remain free from dysfunctional government interference. This same interference caused Governor Jan Brewer to finally shut down an entire government agency.
Ultimately, we preserve history to pay homage to the victims impacted by the Child Protective Service shutdown. Our mission is to ensure the protection of the children of Arizona. Additionally, we aim to help families who have been impacted. Finally, it’s our hope that they’re able to heal and the perpetrators of these atrocities are brought to justice.
Help Us Fight the Good Fight
Costs to document this historical government tragedy have been excessive. However, they are far from over. Our personal expenses to fight the powers that continue to victimize our children and their families have exceeded well over $1,000,000. They continue to grow by the day.
In order to save face, the state of Arizona continues to blame the victims at great damage to their reputations and credibility. Meanwhile, few of the perpetrators in the Arizona CPS scandals have been held accountable. In fact, many still work in the field and have suffered no repercussions for their actions.
Any contribution you can make to aid our cause is most appreciated. You can donate to Saving Grace Advocates using the link provided. Please help us fight Arizona CPS corruption and bring justice to the families and children who have suffered at their hands. Thank you for your continued support and contributions.
Saving Grace Advocates