by Saving Grace Advocates | Nov 29, 2020 | News
It’s hard to believe it’s only been six months since we first began releasing information on the Arizona CPS corruption scandal. While we first took our fight online back well over a year ago, we did not initially begin releasing info dumps and court...
by Saving Grace Advocates | Oct 10, 2020 | Original Articles
Nearly six years ago, Arizona CPS was disbanded due to mass internal corruption. Governor of Arizona Jan Brewer made the call. The intention was to dissolve an institution so massively corrupt that it was not worth saving. Simply put, Arizona’s Department of...
by Saving Grace Advocates | Mar 17, 2020 | Outside Resources
The following article titled “Thousands of Ignored Child Abuse Allegations Plague Arizona Welfare Agency” was written by Fernanda Santos and published for The New York Times on December 10th, 2013. It’s length and content have been edited to share...
by Saving Grace Advocates | Feb 11, 2020 | Outside Resources
The following article titled “Arizona CPS Worker Defies Gag Order, Exposes Violent Child Sex Ring in State Foster Care System” was written by Matt Agorist and published for DC Dirty Laundry on September 16th, 2019. Its length and content have been edited...
by Saving Grace Advocates | Aug 29, 2019 | Outside Resources
PHOENIX – An Arizona Supreme Court decision upholding the firings of five social workers who said they were fired as scapegoats put an end to a 2013 scandal that enveloped the state’s former Child Protective Services agency. The high court in a brief order...