A Job Well Done
First of all, we’re proud to report that Saving Grace Advocates had our best month yet! In July 2020, we released 2 info dumps. Additionally, we increased our organic site viewership by over 400%! Our site and articles were viewed by 1,200 unique visitors a total of over 2800 times! In other words, we are beginning to develop a solid online presence. Consequently, we’re able to reach more individuals like yourself.
This is such amazing news for us. This means we are beginning to reach a wider audience and get the word out. Additionally, this is great news for the children and families who were negatively impacted by the corruption of the Arizona Child Protective Services organization.
Most importantly, all of this was accomplished with Facebook prohibiting our ability to run ads and boost posts about our information drops. Facebook wasted nearly two months of our time verifying IDs. Additionally, they forced us to notarize documents to prove we were who we said. All these documents were provided. However, they still refused to review our paperwork. Finally, they approved the paperwork but continued to deny advertising abilities to reach a larger audience. Taking that into consideration, this truly was a remarkable accomplishment.
We’re sure to see greater increases in August of 2020 as we continue to release more court documents and transcripts. Please continue to follow us in our journey to expose the CPS agents, judges, police officers, lawyers, and others who made the systematic abuse and death of the children of Arizona possible.

July 2020 Info Releases
In July of 2020, Saving Grace Advocates released 3 separate articles. Both details just a small portion of the ongoing corruption of the Arizona CPS. These include Badgering by Attorney Jennifer Rubin, The Failures of Detective Pawlick, and Evidence Ignored by CPS Worker Jennifer Fowler.
First off, we document the threats and badgering of a parent by an opposing party’s lawyer. Of course, this comes after threats of violence by a Nazi gang member which were never taken seriously. Secondly, we document the failures of the detective tasked with investigating this and many other cases of child abuse. Finally, we discuss a call with CPS caseworker Jennifer Fowler. In it, she admits she never reviewed video evidence. She then closed an open case.
Please read these articles and explore the documents. Finally, please feel free to share this information and future article content with as many of your friends, family, and colleagues as possible. Together, we will get the word out and be able to hold the perpetrators accountable for their actions.
About Saving Grace Advocates
Saving Grace Advocates is a child advocacy organization dedicated to exposing the corruption of the Arizona CPS and judicial system. Along with these corrupt organizations, our goal is to hold the guilty parties accountable for their actions and inactions. Consequently, this includes police, child care workers, lawyers, judges, and more.
We adamantly stand for the family! Additionally, we stand for the right to remain free from dysfunctional government interference. This same interference caused Governor Jan Brewer to finally shut down an entire government agency.
Ultimately, we preserve history to pay homage to the victims impacted by the Child Protective Service shutdown. It is our mission to ensure that the children of Arizona and beyond are properly protected. Additionally, we aim to help families who have been impacted. Finally, it’s our hope that they’re able to heal, and the perpetrators of these atrocities are brought to justice.
Help Us Fight the Good Fight
Costs to document this historical government tragedy have been excessive. However, they are far from over. Our personal expenses to fight the powers that continue to victimize our children and their families have exceeded well over $1,000,000. They continue to grow by the day.
In order to save face, the state of Arizona continues to blame the victims at great damage to their reputations and credibility. Meanwhile, very few of the perpetrators in the Arizona CPS scandals have been held accountable.
Any contribution you can make to aid our cause is most appreciated. You can donate to Saving Grace Advocates using the link provided. Please help us fight Arizona CPS corruption and bring justice to the families and children who have suffered at their hands. Thank you for your continued support and contributions.
Saving Grace Advocates